This week I was lucky enough to have the awesome and super energetic Missy Yandow from Slumber and Bloom to be a guest blogger on my website and answering your questions on my Instagram. If you missed it jump over to my Potty Training highlights and you will see her top tips and questions answered
Now read on to learn about getting started with potty training!
There are certain moments as a parent that you look forward to since before your baby was even born. Things like your baby’s first step, first word, and first taste of solid food. But one thing you might not look forward to is potty training. Sure, you’re ready to ditch the diapers and not have to wipe someone else’s butt 5-10 times a day (spoiler alert: you’ll still be wiping you kid’s butt even when he’s potty trained), but you may not be looking forward to the actual PROCESS of potty training.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret: potty training is your first look into your child’s learning style.
Some kids do well with parents saying, “It’s time for a potty break.” Other kids might totally melt down when they’re told what to do and then you’re faced with a toddler power struggle and most likely, a mess of an accident to clean up. Take note of how your child succeeds with potty training because it will be the theme of their learning process FOREVER.
Some kids do well with parents saying, “It’s time for a potty break.” Other kids might totally melt down when they’re told what to do and then you’re faced with a toddler power struggle and most likely, a mess of an accident to clean up. Take note of how your child succeeds with potty training because it will be the theme of their learning process FOREVER.
But how will you know if it’s time to take the leap and start this wild adventure of potty training?
Studies have shown that between 20-30 months is the most commonly successful time to potty train. Your child may fall on either end of the spectrum, as this isn’t an exact science. Every child is different.
The time might be right when:
Your child asks to be changed after pooping
Your child stays dry for longer periods of time
Your child wants privacy to poop (hiding in the corner while pooping in the diaper)
Your child shows interest in the potty
Your child can independently push pants down and pull them back up
The time is NOT right when:
You’re about to have another baby
You’re moving to a new house
Your child is about to start preschool/daycare
Your child is transitioning to a toddler bed
You’re weaning from breastfeeding
You want to make sure you’re ready to commit to potty training during a calm period of time in life without any major transitions.
If you think your child is almost ready, but not quite there yet, here are a few things you can do to help encourage the process:
Use potty language regularly (at appropriate times, of course). If you’re going to the bathroom, tell your child what you are doing, let your child watch you, and let your child flush for you. It may sound weird at first, but children mirror behavior that they see.
Encourage your child to get dressed on their own. If your toddler can navigate clothing in the bathroom, it will make a much easier experience for everyone.
Visit the library and pick up a few books on using the potty.
Do NOT put too much pressure on your child or continuously tell him/her that they’re going to potty train soon. They don’t know what that means, it might confuse them and it may cause anxieties about going to the bathroom and result in potty training resistance.
If you’re unsure if your child is ready for potty training, take my simple quiz that will give you the answer you need.
You’ll also receive my FREE potty training guide: 5 Steps to Successful Potty Training
Happy Potty Training,
Missy Yandow