Other Services
"Save My Sleep"
30 minutes Call

This call is designed for families who have sleep under control and do not need to change much. They have just found themselves in a bit if a hiccup after a regression, teething or holiday or would like to know what is coming next in terms of sleep at a certain age they are approaching or feel only a few tweaks are needed to get back on track. It is also great for advice such as travel or dealing with illness and a sick child.
Coffee Morning
​​... also available via zoom

Great for a small parenting group
Parents who would like to know more about sleep and how to instil great sleep habits from birth through to battling bedtime shenanigans!
Tailored to the group’s age range. We will discuss many aspects from diet, optimum sleep environment and sleep expectations for different age groups as well as upcoming sleep challenges and tricks of the trade. Appropriate handouts will be given and questions answered.
Please note that this is a general group discussion and I will be unable to focus on a particular families sleeping issues. If this is something you feel you need more help with a private zoom or home consultation will suit your needs better. Feel free to book a free 15 minute call to see which package is best suited to you and your family.
(Minimum of 5 and Maximum 8 per group)
Via zoom £35
In home* £45
*travel charges will be incurred out with Girona